Saskatchewan; Hosting multiple BTM

Canada has been making strides towards utilizing bitcoin across the country. Ontario and British Columbia already share the same Bitcoin investment fund, which is a big deal considering the legalities involved within the nation. However one town along the trans-Canada highway of Saskatchewan has just received its first BTM.


What is a BTM?

A BTM is a Bitcoin Teller Machine. It functions much like an ATM, except with bitcoins! And with the Bitcoin market growing popularity; for the most part, its functionality can only grow. BTMs and the Bitcoins taken from them are useful for various stores and reasons. Online websites such as overstock, shopify, and bloomberg all accept bitcoin payments. With market currently priced at $9 Billion the uses for the cryptocurrency will keep growing.


Dale and his BTM

Moose Jaw was the town i was speaking of earlier. But it is not the only place in Saskatchewan to have its own BTM. Another is located in Regina, to the east. But what makes both BTm special, is the fact that one man owns both; Dale Mychasiw. The Moose Jaw machine is located on Woodlily Drive at the Getty Foods. While the Regina location is inside the Wester Photocopier off of Kramer Blvd.

But why was a telling machine opened in Moose Jaw? Because Mychasiw owned two, he noticed that many customers lived in the smaller western city. Mychasiw holds much hope for the currency. Ever since the first Bitcoin machine opened in 2013 of the British Columbian Vancouver he had an idea. And that idea became a reality when he purchased and placed his telling machines.


Of course having close friends who placed their own ATMs separate from banks in the 90’s can certainly be a reason to try it yourself. Especially when they had their own success. Maybe First Block Capital can get a license from the central canadian province and be able to prosper along with the Moose Jaw and Regina Bitcoin Teller Machines.